Entry Requirements For This Course
This is a doctoral programme which requires honour undergraduate degree level entry (2.1) or equivalent. Equivalent here indicates - professional qualification, membership of a professional body, high level managerial/directorial role etc. It is likely that this will have taken a period of time to accumulate and, for indicative purposes only, this might be, for example, five years. In addition, all DBA students will be interviewed and this will also form part of the entry criteria in line with DMU doctoral processes and policies. In addition, students will be required to draft a detailed research proposal at the time of their application. The research proposal will be referred to in the interview process.
Programme Modules and Pre-requisites
In order to enter the programme the student must have completed:
- an honours undergraduate degree (2.1);
- or have membership of a recognised (chartered) professional body;
- or be able to demonstrate equivalent professional qualification or managerial/directorial experience.
- and must have a substantial body of supervisory/managerial roles on a permanent or periodic basis. It is likely that this will have taken a period of time to accumulate and, for indicative purposes only, this might be, for example, five years.