Management Science PhD with Integrated Study

The Management Science Integrated PhD is a doctoral program which includes at least one year of structured research and subject training. Training is concentrated in year one but continues into years two and three. We know that many sponsors prefer students to have a thorough grounding in research methods and to improve their subject knowledge before concentrating on their research thesis - the Integrated PhD offers exactly that.

The Integrated PhD lays more emphasis than is usually the case in the UK on structured research and subject training (which are formally assessed).

Interim qualifications are offered to students who decide to leave before completing the full PhD or are not considered suitable for doctoral study. These interim qualifications are the MRes degree and the MPhil.

Normally we expect students to take at least four to five years to complete all phases of the PhD. This makes it especially suitable for new graduates and for those who are not yet sure of their exact research topic.

Year 1 - The MRes degree

The MRes is a 'Master's in Research' degree, a taught Master's course typically lasting one year. This course is divided into three parts; Part A consists of taught modules taken primarily from the master's programmes within Management Science or other suitable master's degree modules. Your selection of modules will be agreed with the programme director. Part B consists of the development of research methods skills. The addition of assessed modules enhances the subject-based Master's degree:

  • Management research methods and issues
  • Research skills
  • Quantitative or qualitative methods (depending on the student's background)

and unassessed modules in

  • Searching for information
  • Intellectual property and copyright regulations

Followed by Part C, which is the dissertation.

Years 2, 3 and 4

Successful completion of the MRes is required to progress into years two and beyond.

You will receive specialised support from two supervisors as you research and write your thesis. In addition to your thesis, an oral examination will form an integral part of the assessment of your doctoral research.

Part-time PhD study over five years is available through the Theory and Practice of Management PhD.

PhD with Integrated Study Award
Full-time Study Mode
4 - 5 years Duration

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