We welcome applications from those seeking to perform research for a PhD in Physics. Research opportunities are available within each of our research areas, which cover both theoretical and experimental aspects, and are grouped into the four broad research divisions of Astrophysics, Accelerator and Particle Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter, and Theory.

There is vigorous cross-divisional activity, which includes studies of new materials such as graphene and molecular nanowires, cosmological experiments in liquid helium, nonlinear dynamics of biological rhythm and IR spectroscopy, and nanoscale probe microscopy of biological objects.

Our degree schemes emphasise the development of transferable skills, such as critical thinking, communication skills, numeracy, literacy, team working, and computing and computational skills, which are in much demand amongst employers. Students will also have the opportunity to attend specialist training courses as well as the Faculty of Science and Technology Research Training Programme.

PhD Award
Full-time, Part-time Study Mode
3 - 7 years Duration

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