Agricultural Economics PG Dip

Food crises, commodity price booms and busts, environmental concerns and trade tensions are just some of the focuses of the analysis undertaken in agricultural economics. Agricultural economics concerns itself with the study of the production and consumption of food in both developed and developing countries along with analysis of the policies that shape the world's largest industry. This programme is a much applied field covering many topics beyond those stereotypically thought of as pertaining to agriculture. These may include finance and risk management, environmental and natural resource economics, game theory, or public policy analysis.

Governments and multi-national companies look to the analytical skills of trained economists to help provide solutions to complex problems. This course blends the distinctive characteristics of practice-driven education in an international context. It is innovative in its provision by incorporating elements of the existing subject areas of agricultural economics, finance, accounting, econometrics, supply chain management and agribusiness management.

This course will provide participants with an advanced understanding of the global challenges and opportunities as well as principles of agricultural economics and practices of modern international agri-business management. It will promote innovation in the application of science and technological advances within the global agri-food chain and the wider rural sector. Finally, it will develop professionals in industries in the agri-food sector. These include agricultural supply industries, agricultural trade industries, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural consultancy companies, marketing, general management, finance, policy and consultancy in private, commodities markets, education, the financial sector, government, natural resource and environmental management, real estate, public relations,  public and non-government organisations nationally and internationally.

By focusing on a variety of management and decision issues relevant to the agri-food sector in an ever changing international environment, students will develop and broaden their expertise, build critical skills and enhance their career prospects in the agri-business sector.

PG Dip, Postgraduate Certificate, MSc Award
September Start
Full-time Study Mode
1 years Duration

Entry Requirements For This Course

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