Master of Research MRes

MRes degrees can be studied as a stepping stone to doctoral level study or as a standalone qualification for those interested in research careers in industry.

Students spend one third of the course studying four taught modules which follow a common framework, and the remainder of their time is focused on an in-depth research project. The area of research and title of the research project are agreed with a dedicated supervisor. The courses are delivered in one or two-week blocks throughout the academic year.

We offer a range of MRes titles, which are reviewed each year, and all subjects link in to areas of research that the university is actively involved with. The programme provides:

  • a thorough understanding of your chosen area of study
  • practical and technical skills relevant to your subject
  • the ability to formulate and test an hypothesis and draw valid conclusions
  • the ability to solve problems by applying novel research techniques

Completing an MRes will also help you to develop transferable skills in areas such as experimental design, report writing, statistics, presentation skills, team working and critical appraisal.

These awards are strongly underpinned by the university’s excellent programme of agri-environmental research and long-standing collaborations with research institutes and other organisations in the UK and overseas.

MRes Award
September Start
Full-time, Part-time Study Mode
1 years Duration

Entry Requirements For This Course

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