Composing for Film and Television MMus

This Composing for Film and Television MMus course offered at Kingston University London can be studied Part-time.

For more detailed information about Composing for Film and Television at Kingston University London, please visit the institution website.

MMus, MMus Award
September Start
Part-time, Full-time Study Mode
2 years Duration

Entry Requirements For This Course

A good honours degree in music from either the UK or abroad (this may be in a specialist field such as popular music, performance or music technology). Typical entry qualifications are an honours degree in music at 2.2 or above (2.1 preferred).

A folio of three contrasting compositions both scores and recordings.

Evidence of familiarity with a sequencing programme such as Logic Pro.

Where an applicant can produce evidence of relevant experiential learning (eg work as a professional performer, composer or producer), it may be possible to consider a good honours degree in a subject other than music or advanced study in a conservatoire (which has not led to a degree) in lieu of a music degree.

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