Diplomacy and Foreign Policy MA

Diplomatic relations, international negotiations, foreign-policy decision-making processes, and the conduct of foreign policy constitute important features of international politics.

Our programme is designed to introduce you to theories, issues and processes connected with diplomacy and foreign policy. It could be especially relevant if you are thinking about, or currently working in, diplomacy, international NGOs, and global policy and politics.

We aim to provide you with opportunities to participate in debates and mock negotiation exercises. Previously, we have also invited practitioners with experience in the field to contribute elements of the programme. Where possible we also aim to include trips that are relevant to the topics being covered that year, for example, in the past, students have visited the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. Where trips are offered, students are normally expected to cover their own travel expenses.

The programme culminates in the writing of a 20,000-word dissertation in a subject area of your own choosing that has been agreed together with your academic supervisor.

MA Award
Full-time, Part-time Study Mode
1 - 2 years Duration

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