Intercultural Business Communication MSc

Take your Master's in Intercultural Business Communication in one of the best Linguistics Departments in the world. We are placed 3rd in the QS World Rankings 2024.

Why Lancaster?

  • Study in a world-class linguistics department in a dynamic, intercultural environment
  • Be among the first to hear from our experts on their work in intercultural pragmatics, business communication, bilingual cognition, and linguistic and cultural relativity
  • Boost your career prospects with a higher-level degree, demonstrating your intercultural awareness and in-depth research skills
  • Join one of our research groups and networks, e.g. Culture and Communication, Discourse & Text and Cognitive Linguistics, and benefit from a host of additional events, talks and activities to complement and enhance your course
  • Enjoy the flexibility of designing part of your degree based on your specific interests
  • Make the most of our outstanding resources including fully equipped labs for eye-tracking and phonetics
  • Use your degree as a stepping-stone to become an expert in communication in the public or private sector

Meeting and working with different people across the globe has become part of everyday life. Join us to discover how the diversity of culture means organisations need to reassess their communication strategies. Get yourself on track for a fascinating career in a rapidly evolving field.

Tailor your studies

How do culture and language influence our interactions when we travel, do business or attend a workplace meeting? You’ll explore questions like this and unpick theory in our three core modules ‘Intercultural Communication’, "Intercultural Business Communication" and ‘Intercultural Encounters’. You’ll also be able to develop your research skills in the core module, ‘Research Methods in Linguistics and English Language’.

Beyond these three core modules, you can shape your degree around your particular interests by choosing from our extensive range of optional modules, from cognitive linguistics to second language acquisition. Plus, you can focus on one of your special interests in your dissertation. Previous students have chosen topics as diverse as the representation of linguistic and cultural groups in the media, and how foreign language teachers teach intercultural competence.

Outside the lecture theatre

We pride ourselves on offering much more than high quality teaching. Join one of our many different research groups, such as Cognitive Linguistics, Second Language Learning and Teaching, Discourse & Text, try one of the lively university societies or take part in one of our international summer schools.

A Culture and Communication Network provides the opportunity to connect with colleagues across Lancaster University who work in different disciplines and are interested in any aspect of communication and culture.

Don’t worry if you’re returning to education or aren’t used to studying in the UK – we’re ready to provide extra support if you need it. You can get help with your academic reading, writing and presentation skills through the ‘Postgraduate Academic Study Skills’ module.

MSc Award
Full-time, Part-time Study Mode
1 - 2 years Duration

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