Would you like to join one of the largest groups of marketing academics in the UK? Become a part of the most research-intensive business school in the UK, according to the latest Research Excellence Framework, where we have a lively research ethos and seek doctoral students who can build on our success.

Over the years, our expertise has grown into two areas: consumer research and market dynamics. Our research interests are particularly focused within specialist areas including Sustainable Innovation, Marketing and Digital Strategy, Markets, Design-Led Thinking, Consumption Insights, Digital Consumption, Social Justice, and Health Inequality. Furthermore, we have several active groups of researchers interested in business marketing and business networks in the context of supply chain interactions, innovation, market development, and the development of the firm in international markets. Our department is also linked to the Centre for Consumption Insights, which is a platform for our staff to engage in specialist research that centres on the transformative aspects of consumer research and consumption-related phenomena of pertinence to culture and society. Topics of interest here include consumer vulnerability, diet and health, the environment and family.

As a member of this PhD programme, you will have access to state-of-the-art databases, dedicated office space, scientific computing facilities, and IT support. We offer a research training seminar series, workshops and conferences to create the ideal environment for innovative thinking.

Many of our staff work closely with marketing practitioners. This allows us to make sure our research is relevant to commercial and public-sector organisations, as well as to the academic community. You will receive support from a specialist supervisor as you research and write your thesis.

In addition to your thesis, an oral examination will form an integral part of the assessment of your doctoral research.

Part-time PhD study over five years is available through the Theory and Practice of Management PhD.

PhD Award
Full-time Study Mode
3 - 4 years Duration

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