Business Economics Degrees
The study of Business and Economics involves learning and understanding how businesses operate and how economies can be effected by and themselves affect businesses. A degree programme will normally include strategic business decisions, data analysis, the role a business has within the economy, and accounting practices. A Business Economics Degree can take three to four years of full time study to complete with the option of a sandwich placement year. Course modules are normally completed via coursework, presentations, group work, dissertations and examinations.
Studying Business Economics
Topics Covered
A degree in business economics can be studied at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. During an undergraduate level degree, students will be taught a range of topics that will help them to understand business and economics. Year 1 involves several core modules, such as an introduction to economics, economic theory, microeconomics and statistics for business. Year 2 includes applied economics, industrial economics and econometrics, while year 3 offers several optional and compulsory modules, including behavioural finance, economic development, public enterprise and regulation, and contemporary issues in economic growth.
Entry Requirements
To gain entry to a Business Economics Degree students normally require three A Level grades AAA – BBB, including Mathematics. Some universities also require students to have gained GCSE grade C in English, as well as GCSE grade A in Mathematics. It is also worth noting that the highly ranked institutions for Business and Economics will have higher entry requirements or other entry standards such as application tests or interviews. The top five institutions within this subject are Surrey, Heriot-Watt, Leeds, Coventry and Kent.
You are advised to contact the university you are applying to for a full breakdown of entry requirements.
Career Prospects
A business economics degree may lead to further study within business or finance, or lead to a research position. Many graduates are also employed within the accounting, economics, management, education, media and business sectors.
Alternatively, students can opt to study a postgraduate degree after completing their studies. A postgraduate degree in business and economics is for students who already have comprehensive understanding of the subject and wish to expand on their knowledge in this field.
They may also want to prepare for further academic research. A postgraduate degree can be completed in twelve months or two years of part time study.
It's worth noting that business related degrees were reported to be one of the most employable subject areas in 2016. The destination of leavers from higher education survey reported that 88% of graduates were placed in further education or full time employment within 6 months of completing their degree, with an average salary of £22,500. You can find out more about the most employable degrees with our article: Top 10 Most Employable Degrees