Develop your knowledge and understanding of the creative and cultural industries in both national and international contexts

Our MA in Global Cultures explores 21st century cultural industries and the creative economy.

This innovative and interdisciplinary programme will help develop your research analysis skills and aimed at those who have an interest in developing a career in the cultural sector.

You’ll develop an understanding of the evolution of cultural industries in a global context by focusing on the global dissemination of cultural products, transnational cultural interactions in the creative sector, and cultural diversity and individual creativity in the globalised world.

You’ll gain insights into global cultural industries and into cultural policy, while also allowing you to analyse case studies that span the UK, China, Japan, Latin America, North America and Europe. We’ll equip you with the theoretical tools to help you analyse the cultural products that you are learning about.

Taught in the supportive and friendly environment of the School of Modern Languages, you'll benefit from regular guest lectures with representatives from the creative and cultural industries. 

MA Award
September Start
Full-time Study Mode
1 years Duration

Entry Requirements For This Course

For entry requirements for this course, please visit our website

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