Our LLB (Hons) Law with Psychology course is the first of its kind - able to be studied 100% online and part-time while still counting as a Qualifying Law Degree - through which you complete the academic stage of legal education. Whether you are considering a legal career with a psychological slant, a psychology career with an understanding of the legal issues, or even using knowledge from both areas in other fields, this comprehensive degree will allow you to explore psychology alongside your LLB while opening up your career opportunities.
You'll look into a range of legal and psychological topics such as:
- tortious liability, negligence and duty of care
- the milestones in human development throughout their lifespan
- criminal law, burden of proof and proposal for reform
- the social factors that impact on individuals' lives
Towards the end of your study you will complete a detailed research project on any topic of interest within the scope of your degree. By conducting your own research and collating appropriate resources, you will be able to produce a thorough insight into your chosen area.
We're proud to be rated Gold in the Times Higher Education (THE) Online Rankings 2024. Our achievement, which is based on four pillars - resources, engagement, outcomes and environment - recognises our commitment to excellent online education.