Five Subjects Usually Available During Clearing


On results day you may be panicking if you haven’t been accepted on your course at your first choice university, but don’t be put off by that. There are a vast number of courses often available through UCAS clearing but some are more widely available than others.

Last year over 80,000 students were placed on various courses through clearing within two weeks of results day. This article focuses on the most popular courses that students were placed on, giving you an idea of what subjects are popular in clearing.

1. Business and Administrative Studies

Subjects relating to business and management were the most popular in terms of students placed through clearing, with over 10,000 places being filled between the 13th and 28th of August. If you can see yourself in the business world, or even as the next big entrepreneur this option through clearing may be the best thing you’ve ever done. It’s worth noting that in 2015, 1 in 5 business students were placed through clearing, so if you want to study in this field take a look at other courses and universities now, and make a note of them incase you have to go through clearing. Find business administration degrees.

2. Subjects Allied to Medicine

Did you want to study a science based subject at university, or want to be a doctor or nurse in the future? If you’re now thinking your dreams are shattered because you didn’t get into your first and second choice universities don’t panic and give up, because there are number of courses available during clearing which could still allow you to enter the medical profession. Last year 20% of students studying subjects allied to Medicine actually came through clearing, making it the second most popular subject area in clearing; so don’t panic if you don’t get in initially. Subjects like Biomedical science are the main medicine associated subjects available during clearing. These include pathology and neuroscience, and even physiotherapy. So if you still want to make a difference to the world and the people in it through a medical capacity there is still a way for you to live the dream.

3. Biological Sciences

In 2015 over 8,000 students were enrolled on Biological Science courses through clearing, so if you have an interest in animals and the natural world around you this may be the perfect option for you. Again this is another option for someone with a keen interest in science that haven’t been accepted into their first choice universities, with a wide range of universities across the UK offering degrees in this field of study. Read more about biology degrees?

4. Social Sciences

This is a larger field of study than you may initially think. Subjects concerned with social studies include, Sociology, Social Work, Social Policy and Anthropology. In 2015 there was over 40,000 people with places on Social Science courses; with almost 8,000 students that had come through clearing. If this is a subject area you have a keen interest in then you should find a large number of courses available through clearing from which to choose from.

5. Engineering

Out of all students placed on Engineering related courses in 2015, a staggering 24% came through clearing. Engineering subjects available through clearing include various fields of study such as electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering.

Not your cup of tea?

Don’t panic if there’s nothing that jumps out at you. Just scour through the other options available and see if anything links to what you initially applied for during your original UCAS application. If your chosen course isn’t available, take a look at a university’s joint honours system and see if anything there tickles your fancy.