Guide to Postgraduate Fairs

Postgraduate fairs are a popular way of finding courses for your postgraduate education. Whilst you can search for courses and gather all the information you need from sites like this, many like to talk to a universities representative about particular courses before applying to get a feel for a course. Similar to attending an open day, it’s a great way to get a bit more information about specific courses and degrees and make sure you will be applying for the right one.
Why Go to a Postgraduate Fair?
Postgraduate fairs are a great place to get questions answered and find your ideal postgraduate degree. Before you go though, it is worth searching for a course so you know what is available. This way, you’ll be attending the fair with a better knowledge of what you are looking for. Once you’ve found the courses you’re interested in, decide on a postgraduate fair to attend. There are many different fairs available, from MBA specific to subject specific, so make sure you pick one that is suitable for you.
Start your search for Master’s degrees.
Postgraduate fairs are excellent forums for you to talk to representatives from institutions from all over the country. You can talk to them face-to-face and gather information about the courses that interest you as well as discussing opportunities for students. You’ll also be able to pick up programme guides to take away with you so you can learn more about the institutions and courses. The fairs are also a great place to chat to other students who may be interested in similar courses. By chatting to your peers, you may find out information about certain institutions from a students perspective.
What to Expect?
Postgraduate fairs vary; from smaller regional fairs attracting local institutions to international events, which attract the biggest universities in the world. Researching what to expect therefore is important. If you are only interested in studying in a particular area of the UK, you could benefit more by looking for a regional fair. Whichever type of event you choose to attend, you’ll generally find a wide-range of exhibitors who will all be eager to talk to you. Universities, business schools, small private colleges and language schools will all be fighting for your attention, wanting to promote their postgraduate course to you.
Along with education providers and institutions, you’ll generally find advisory bodies who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about studying a postgraduate degree. They are a great place to ask about funding and other study advice questions you may have.
What to Ask?
Due to the sheer number of attendees at these events, some people can become quite overwhelmed when attending and struggle to make it round each stand or ask all the questions they were hoping to have answered. For this reason, it’s a good idea to have some questions jotted down to make sure you get all the vital information from each institution. The questions you should ask at a postgraduate fair are similar to the ones you would ask at an open day. Make sure you know what you want to study before attending, then note down any questions you want answering, such as whether accommodation in halls of residence is available for postgrad students, how much the fees are and whether or not there are any funding options in place for you. It’s also a good time to ask whether or not you are likely to be accepted on to the course. Whilst the institutions representative is unlikely to give you an offer there and then, they will be able to advise you on the entry requirements for the courses you are interested in. If it’s unlikely you’ll gain the grades required, or meet the necessary experience, it’s probably best to think about other options.
What Next?
Once you’ve shortlisted your favourite courses, it’s a good idea to attend their open days if possible to get a feel for the institution.
Remember to search for courses on Coursefindr before going to a postgraduate fair to get the most from your day. That way you can eliminate courses which aren’t right for you from the start. Start your search for Master’s degrees.